Transitions in Life: Assisting International Students

In each of our lives there have come times when we have all had to up stakes and move to pastures new. Whether that be growing up in different cities around the country (or the world), leaving home for college, or getting that first job after graduation, we've all endured transitions in our lives that can bring with them a range of emotional, physical, and psychological issues. Perhaps no transition where an individual has a choice in the matter is as daunting as moving from one country to another to pursue a dream.

This is the challenge international students face when they commit to studying abroad in the US. As much as international admissions and student services offices try, it is next to impossible to anticipate and understand all the individual circumstances of their new students arriving on campus in the next few weeks. I know from experience, at previous institutions I have worked for, we would send a series of messages to our admitted students starting in April or May through early August. These emails would make our incoming class aware of some of the relevant issues they needed to keep in mind as they prepared to come to our campus. We would send out messages about their visa interview, what to bring/wear, arrival instructions, housing information, orientation schedules, health insurance, weather, student associations on campus, friendship families, and others. These were what we thought were essential elements that would help students prepare for their transition to our campus.

These kind of communications are vital not only to prepare your incoming class for your campus environment, but also to convince these new students that you can and will be well-placed to take care of their needs. All that being said, can all US institutions say that they can anticipate the needs of students from all the various countries they receive students from each year? Probably not. EducationUSA wants to partner with your institution in this process. EducationUSA centers around the world provide pre-departure orientations for their students traveling to the US for studies. These sessions help new students physically, mentally & emotionally prepare themselves for the journey on which they are about to embark. What better way to complement the information you provide to your incoming students, than to refer them to the local EducationUSA center in their city/region for a pre-departure orientation that is specific to the needs of students from that country. The better prepared your students are for what they will face on their long journeys to your campuses and the transitions they need to make, insha'allah, the happier they will be once they arrive.

Good luck to you all in the coming month or so as you await the arrival of your incoming classes. Please, as you move forward with plans for the next recruitment cycle to include EducationUSA as a resource for your prospective students, on the ground in 170 countries. For ways in which you can connect EducationUSA with your prospective students, email me for details. Till next time...